Has anyone else jumped on the True Blood bandwagon yet?
I know I have.
Me and my friend Teresa accomplished watching the whole first season in two days.
The second season is just getting better and better.
I also purchased the first book in the series, which was published in 2001, FOUR YEARS BEFORE TWILIGHT CAME OUT. Take that, Stephanie Meyer!
The series was developed by Alan Ball, the genius behind Six Feet Under, one of my favorite shows ever created.
Although I have a slight distaste for Anna Paquin, I feel that no other actress can play the role of the telepathic Sookie.
Stephen Moyer plays a sexy and brooding vampire. Edward Cullen, eat your heart out. His real-life relationship with Anna Paquin certainly does help with their steamy scenes, which there are alot of.
Nelsan Ellis plays the wonderfully delicious Lafayette Reynolds. He steals almost every scene that he's in.
I didn't like Sam Trammel, who plays Sam, at first. But after seeing his character develop over the season, I've come to like him. I love that salt-and-pepper hair also.
I don't quite much care for Rutina Wesley. She was slightly likable as Tara in the first season, but in this season, she is a tad bit boring. Plus, she's oblivious...
Oh me oh my. I have loved Ryan Kwanten ever since he was on Summerland with Lori Loughlin. He is perfect as Jason Stackhouse in this series. Not to mention, tremendously sexy.
This man just exudes sexy. His hair looks much better this season, and he has much more screen time, which is lovely.
Jessica is starting to become one of my favorite characters this season. She started off a tad bit annoying, but you couldn't blame her. I'm so happy for her and her newfound relationship with Hoyt.
This is one of my favorite moments from season two, hands down:
I love this show. I very much recommend it to any of you.
I know I have.
Me and my friend Teresa accomplished watching the whole first season in two days.
The second season is just getting better and better.
I also purchased the first book in the series, which was published in 2001, FOUR YEARS BEFORE TWILIGHT CAME OUT. Take that, Stephanie Meyer!
The series was developed by Alan Ball, the genius behind Six Feet Under, one of my favorite shows ever created.

This is one of my favorite moments from season two, hands down:

Have heard very good things about said show, but I haven't watched it yet. I've got them TiVoed but haven't had time to sit and enjoy them. Soon and very soon.
Oh it truly is a marvelous show!
I've introduced it to almost everyone I know.
Oh, female Elton John and LaFontaine, how I hate you so.
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